How to Add Google Analytics to WordPress
When you install Google Analytics, you are essentially adding a piece of code (Javascript) to your website, so that you can gather performance data. This data tells you important information about your Wordpress, such as the number of page views, traffic source, bounce rate, and duration of visit, which can help you to curate your content accordingly.

9 Common WordPress SEO Challenges and Solutions
For business owners or new web developers, understanding SEO (search engine optimisation) can be quite overwhelming. Wordpress is a platform that provides users easy-to-use plugins to improve their SEO. However, there are some common challenges that Wordpress users face when it comes to optimizing their website for search organically.

Phases of Website Development (Infographic)
When you think of website development what crosses your mind? Do you visualize a website that’s live to the public or the behind the scenes process that needs to be carefully planned and executed? Believe it or not, there is a lot to consider in website development from start to finish. To give you an […]